Welcome to an unforgettable summit!
The summit is finally here and we are delighted to share the event agenda with you! Check out this page to find all the session descriptions, and you can download the agenda below.
Other important agenda items:
Friday Happy Hour, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM, Terrace
Saturday Meet & Greet (optional), 5:30 PM - 6.30 PM, La Planta
Keynote Address, Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Tent
With over 34 years of research into happiness and well-being, Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky will reveal what she has found to be the key to happiness.
Angela Chiarenza
Intersectionality is the study of how multiple social identities, such as race, class, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and ability, intersect to create unique experiences of oppression and privilege. This workshop will provide participants with a deeper understanding of intersectionality through a series of interactive exercises.
Raj Raghunathan
Most of us want to be happy—and for good reason: happier people are healthier, enjoy better relationships, and are more successful at work. But how to enhance happiness levels? One of the best strategies is to increase the set of “likes” (things we enjoy) and shrink the set of “dislikes” (things we do not enjoy). In this talk, Prof. Raghunathan will outline 3 main strategies for achieving this goal.
Timothy Ryan-Young & Diazina Mobley
Mentored by Afrin Khan at Red Elephant, Timm and Diazina transformed their business to prioritize community, contribution, and social impact. As certified facilitators, they are eager to bring Afrin’s teachings to the entrepreneurial community. Join their session to unlock Radical Happiness with Red Elephant's unique framework, designed to ignite impact.
Jadi Kindred
Do you want to learn how to trust your intuition in life, work, or even at networking events? Join me, author of Intuitive Business Connections: Grow a business from zero to six figures in an intuitive way, to gain more confidence in your inner compass so you can live with more ease and joy.
Roberto Aponte
Most people work primarily for the income they earn. While this may provide for physical needs this way of working can be impoverishing at a deep level. This session will explore how participants can access their true selves at work and what happens when that essence is expressed in their work.
Ilma Tiki
Ilma Tiki will share how she uses joy as a perk in her organization. We can all discuss how we can create more joyful workplaces and more wonder in the world.
Arianna Reyes
In our relentless pursuit of happiness and well-being, we often find ourselves buried under never-ending to-do lists: self-care, caring for others, seeking meaningful work, paying bills, exercising, finding time to rest, and even squeezing in moments for solitude and meditation. The quest for happiness can transform into an overwhelming chore, leaving us with a feeling that there's very little time to achieve it all.
Together, we'll explore and co-create practical tools that allow us to allocate our time in a way that speaks to our hearts, aligns with our goals, and ultimately leads to a happier and more fulfilling life.
Gloriana Matamoros
Imagine yourself as a car, navigating the roads of life’s journey. Let’s: Reflect on how we are driving, and what our current life balance is. Recognize how we manage our emotions, using a stop sign as a signal for decision-making. Realign the areas of our life we need to focus on, for better driving with balanced wheels.
Reconcile life’s vision, is it time to reroute, slow down, or make a full stop?
Princess Bazley-Bathea
This session delves into the nuanced interplay between success and significance, guiding participants through a thoughtful exploration of the transition from what is merely good enough to what is authentically true. The overarching theme centers on achieving genuine happiness by aligning one's pursuits with a sense of purpose and lasting impact.
Dow Martin
This session delves into the transformative power of satellite imagery and AI in revolutionizing conservation efforts. We’ll share inspiring stories of locally-led land restoration in Africa and how technology is leveraged to change philanthropy and corporate sustainability forever.
Stephanie Knox
What is the purpose of education as it exists now, and what purpose do we need it to have for today’s world and the future? How can we re-imagine education to be in service to the flourishing of life at all levels? At the re-imagining conversation table, we will discuss these questions and your own in the spirit of dreaming into future ideal educational possibilities. All are welcome, as we are all invested in and affected by educational systems. Please bring your curiosity, creativity, imagination, and dreams!
Uzma Rashid
The Queer Joy conversation table will present an opportunity to engage with the idea of how we can, individually and collectively, nurture and embody joy in the face of the pain and challenges we encounter in our interpersonal and institutional contexts. We will learn from each other on the thought processes and strategies that we can be mindful of in our lives, be it in our healing journeys or in spaces of resistance, or more. The table welcomes queer participants as well as folks not identifying as such with the intention of strengthening spaces where we can all be allies in contributing to the joy we can experience!
How to Create Your Oasis of Inner Peace
Brandon Bennett
During this restorative session, Brandon will guide attendees through a powerful full-body guided breathing practice to invoke a deep sense of relaxation, calm, and mental clarity. This is an opportunity to kick back, slow down, and experience an oasis of inner peace, which will leave you feeling re-energized, more present, and more greatly connected to your deeper “why” and what you truly want within your life.
Rodolfo Carrillo
Should businesses continue to solely focus on financial profit? Businesses are being called to acknowledge and be responsible for their impact on society and collective well-being. If we agree to understand spirituality as the belief that there is something beyond the material world, then, doesn’t it deserve to be considered in our business equation towards well-being and happiness? In this workshop, we’ll address how spirituality and leadership have always gone hand in hand, and most importantly, how leaders can, through their own spiritual work, foster greater well-being and optimize performance in their teams and organizations.
Andreea Pap
Time is constant; energy is not. You can’t create more time, but you can make the best out of the time you have each day. Because even with ample time available, if your energy levels are low, you may struggle to maintain focus, motivation, and efficiency. This workshop is divided in three parts: 1. Time vs. energy. 2. Five different energy batteries: physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual. 3. Techniques to sustain and renew energy. Attendees will be able to learn about energy management and practice by using reflections (through meditations) and by doing actions.
Paco Briseño
In a world marked by uncertainty and ecological challenges, cultivating a regenerative mindset becomes imperative for our collective wellbeing. Join us in this immersive 75-minute workshop designed to explore the intersection of regenerative wellbeing, planetary health, and personal growth.
Marion Brastel - Erinn Woodside - Pablo Fonseca - Dr. Amelia Reigstad P.h.D
Moderator: Arthur Sherwood
Whether we've experienced it ourselves, in others, or dread it coming on, navigating burnout has become a part of our contemporary lives around the world. How can we understand burnout's causes, consequences and how to navigate it when it strikes self or those around us? Join us for an engaging and interactive dialogue from multiple perspectives around the world. We will share stories, explore cause and effect and learn of unique systemic and personal perspectives on burnout from our global panel of professionals. Perspectives include medical, occupational, gender and voice as well as climate and regeneration. This experience will be like no other "panel" you have seen and you won't want to miss it!
Ashish Kothari - Adriana Santos - Lars Kure Juul
Moderator: Mohit Mukherjee
This dynamic and interactive panel – very different from traditional panels - will highlight three different stories that led to our panelists (all authors of books on our topic) on their journey of going from theory to action. We expect that you will leave this panel finding common themes of organizational happiness, but also thinking about how to adapt and find a model that works best for your context. Expect to also think about how you might collect and measure data on the essential but often overlooked metric of organizational happiness. Are you up for the challenge or feeling burnt out already?
Stephanie Ramsey
COVID—It changed our lives. We are all experiencing grief in some way. What is this grief doing to our collective community? Walk with a veteran human being on her path as she thinks she's processing grief only to find out there is no linear or even circular process at all. Climb with Steph as she incorporates the vortex of grief into her life and rebuilds a sense of community. Discover that it is only with each other that we can create a space to see, build, and walk the path of happiness in this lifetime.
Mary Sue & Kirby Purcell
The experience of Kirby and Mary together will provide a unique perspective toward creating happiness and purpose.
Nate Harding
I'd like to begin the presentation by framing Happiness & Life Satisfaction as one of the six domains of Human Flourishing identified by Harvard's Global Flourishing Program, which is studying the concept in 22 countries globally. I will discuss how identifying and aligning with personal core values are key to understanding one's personal sense of happiness. I will conclude with a set of tools and tactics to discover, practice, and continually refine one's values and how to discover and align with people and communities who share one's values.
Natasha Shokri
Under the influence of capitalism and neo-liberalism, the notion of happiness and well-being is changed. The capitalist orthodoxy has colonized people’s mindset to equate overconsumption with greater happiness. Money, possessions, and wealth are key components of the capitalist culture. This session explores the possibility of leading happy and healthy lives without exploiting the Earth's resources excessively, challenging the consumerism mindset shaped by capitalism. We will focus on Indigenous ways of knowing Happiness as a means to liberate individuals from the capitalist trap of happiness.
Shawn Mahshie
World’s leading expert on the science of Self-Solidarity, Shawn Mahshie will introduce her revolutionary 3-step process that lets people forgive and stay in love with themselves, so they feel safe, seen, and supported from within, no matter what is happening. By revealing and reversing the self-sabotaging costs of their “should have” story, visionary change-makers will learn how to turn their inner critic into the champion of their happiness, and exponentially amplify their impact.
Albena Pergelova
This talk will be based on my recent research in the field of entrepreneurial well-being with a focus on women entrepreneurs. While there is a general positive association between self-employment and well-being, for specific groups of self-employed/entrepreneurs (e.g., women) the relationship between being independent and achieving fulfillment, personal growth, and well-being through their work is complex and multifaceted.
Amy B. Smith
This session will provide space to be deliberate and mindful to the joys and delights around us. In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, it’s easy to lose sight of the fundamental human needs that truly contribute to our happiness and well-being. Kindness, belonging, mattering, and curiosity – these are the foundations of a fulfilling life, yet they often get overlooked in the busyness of everyday existence.
Lonica Smith
In this talk, the presenter will use personal illustrations, poetry, and principles of universal law to walk the audience through what acceptance means and how it can be utilized in achieving inner peace, allowing us to navigate through uncertainty and fear and ultimately, towards prosperity.
Shari Collins
Of course you know that social support has an impact on overall levels of happiness. A vital happiness indicator is relying on someone, especially in times of need. Come ready to engage with participants to explore our social connections through a type of eco-mapping. Using the Virginia Reel discussion model, we will use active participation to discuss the strength of our network groups. You’ll leave ‘ignited’ with new connections to expand your power and influence. You won’t want to miss this session!
Nasreen Haque
Uncover the secrets of joy as we navigate the fascinating crossroads of behavior and evolution. Get ready for an exploration that will ignite your curiosity, spark empathy, and unveil the roadmap to a joyous existence. Join us on this thrilling adventure – because joy is not just a destination, it's a journey! #HumanExplorer #GenomicObservatory
Mohit Mukherjee
Join us for a thought-provoking and interactive workshop exploring the age-old question: Can money truly buy happiness? Whether you believe in the power of wealth to bring happiness, advocate for the importance of non-materialistic values, or find yourself somewhere in between, this workshop will offer a space for reflection, and dialogue, and perhaps even offer you a new understanding of your relationship with money. Can you buy happiness? Yes, no, maybe... or something else entirely?
In the session one will not only cognitively understand but also experience the joy of gratitude. I will share how being grateful does more good to the one who is being grateful than to those towards whom one is being grateful. It is beneficial for overall well-being - physical health, psychological health, and social health. In my talk, I will also engage participants in a few activities to experience gratitude, using my ReNEW framework.
Gillian Mandich
Gen Z faces unique challenges (digital overload, social media pressures, cyberbullying, economic uncertainty, etc.) that can have significant implications for mental health, (anxiety, depression, real and online identity formation, isolation, screen addiction, delayed social milestones, etc.). These issues will be explored in-depth, drawing upon empirical research and real-world examples, with the ultimate goal of fostering a dialogue to address and support the mental health and well-being of Gen Z.
Gwen Fluhr
Grief is a normal response to loss, any loss. We live in a world of constant contradictions and the external and internal struggles are real. What happens outside the body also happens inside the body and occasionally gets stuck there. Accumulate enough and we may wind up with inflammation, pain, or even unexplained illness. You can expect this workshop to be interactive as we use guided meditation, imagery, voice, and movement to learn how to work with our body’s sensations.
Edith Shiro
Embark on a transformative journey with Dr. Edith Shiro, as she unveils a groundbreaking approach to healing from trauma and experiencing posttraumatic growth. Her powerful five-stage framework not only facilitates recovery but empowers individuals to thrive and transform. This session explores the profound impact of trauma on our lives, dispelling the notion that it must lead to a lifetime of suffering.
Adrián Castrillo & Susan Fonseca
This session focuses on the correlation between Project Aristotle and "I Am Remarkable" programs. We aim to explore how these initiatives can collaborate to encourage psychological safety in individuals and organizations. This, in turn, leads to the development of an inclusive culture, innovative teams, and personal empowerment. Join us as we delve into practical strategies, share inspiring stories, and embark on a journey toward creating exceptional work environments and lives.
Shannon Murphy
Creating meaningful relationships and connections with others is vital to sustained happiness and well-being. We are wired to connect with others, yet we have inherited a brain that operates on fear of others, particularly those the brain sees as different from oneself. This inherent us/them dynamic is the genesis of increasing polarization, conflict, mistrust, lack of empathy, and it interferes dramatically with the ability to forge meaningful relationships across differences. The good news is that we can learn to recognize the brain’s base responses and override them, making a conscious choice to be kind, caring, and compassionate in every interaction.
Bethzaida Fernandez
This workshop explores the connections between intercultural explorations on our happiness and well-being. By engaging with the unknown and unfamiliar, we promote understanding, empathy, curiosity, and respect. These interactions lead to enriched connections, broader perspectives, and a sense of belonging. The ability to adapt to diverse norms, to listen to different perspectives, and to ask respectful questions can transform how we see ourselves and others leading to personal growth, better relationships, resilience, and the promotion of our collective well-being.
Tarek Saker
This workshop is focused on the importance of connectivity and building rapport. It’s a hands-on training, where participants will be moving and creating meaningful connections and building trust through dynamic activities. Come play, bond, and transform your way on how to make lasting connections.
Gwen Fluhr & Arthur Sherwood
Forest therapy involves immersing oneself in nature, particularly forests, to improve overall well-being. The practice offers numerous benefits such as reduced stress, improved mood, increased focus, and enhanced well-being. By connecting with nature through mindful walks, deep breathing, and tuning into the senses, we experience a profound sense of tranquility and rejuvenation. In this session you will experience this connection to our natural world.
Paula Dinaro
Join this scientific and spirituality-based session. Learn about how everything is vibration and how raising your vibration is the key to happiness. Followed by an experience of Dance Meditation an interactive class where meditation, chakra alignment, and movement are used to reach higher levels of consciousness and joy. Be ready to move.
Liliana Núñez
La terapia de bosque, también conocida como baño de bosque o shinrin-yoku, consiste en sumergirse en la naturaleza, especialmente en los bosques, para mejorar el bienestar general. La práctica ofrece numerosos beneficios, como reducción del estrés, mejor estado de ánimo, mayor concentración y mayor bienestar. Al conectarnos con la naturaleza a través de caminatas conscientes, respiración profunda y sintonización con los sentidos, experimentamos una profunda sensación de tranquilidad y rejuvenecimiento. En esta sesión experimentarás esta conexión con nuestro mundo natural
Dr. Coralis Solomon - Dr. Ann Shillingford - LoriAnn Stretch - Denita Hudson - Amanda Stull
Come tap into Your Inner Child with Laughter! During this session, you will explore the history and benefits of laughter and engage in contemplative and mindful activities to tap into mirthful laughter. Come share experiences and connect with others through laughter and mindfulness.
Rey Sirakavit
In this workshop we learn about how to interrupt biased conversations when we hear them by determining if it's the right time, getting in the right frame of mind, and practicing what to communicate and how to communicate the message in an empathetic way that builds bridges, not walls.
Alphonsus Obayuwana
The Edo Questionnaire is a simple twelve-item self-appraisal tool for measuring happiness. It can differentiate happy, very happy, unhappy, very unhappy, flourishing, and languishing individuals in any cohort. Its unit of measure is PHI (Personal Happiness Index). PHI scores range from 0.125 to 8.000—and seldom do any two individuals have identical scores. The questionnaire can easily be completed in 7-10 minutes.
Oscar Hernández
In this session, participants will learn how recreation is key to building better skills, learning more about ourselves, and being happier. Through games, challenges, and creativity we will develop a new way to play while learning and growing. I use Points of You! NLP and coaching.
Luis Gallardo
In this engaging and interactive session, we will delve into the transformative power of self-deconstruction, metaphors, and positive intentions as the bedrock of Happytalism and our shared future. We will explore self-deconstruction, metaphors, and positive intentions. This workshop is an opportunity for all those interested in understanding the essence of Happytalism and its role in shaping a positive and fulfilling future. Join us as we embark on this enlightening journey!
Ashley Pride
Life often hits us with wave after wave of responsibilities, expectations, and to-dos. The result? Overwhelm. “Emerge from the Overwhelm” is designed to help you identify the signs of overwhelm early on and equip you with effective coping mechanisms.
Cindy Fonseca
This is a personal story about Intuition, about the role I allowed it to have in my life and all the learnings it has taught me ever since I started to pay attention to it. Intuition is the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious, a translator of unspoken truths. It unravels the threads of underlying motives and unhealed wounds, enabling profound transformation. It’s a skill honed through trust and practice, an art of feeling rather than thinking. I want to share with you the wonderful message my own intuition was dying to shout out loud!
Thomas Shepard
Rainbows and Heartshaped rocks. We went our separate ways and collected different trinkets as mile markers on the journey. I collected rainbows as a beacon of hope and traveled far and wide. She collected rocks as if to add weight and grounding to her new spaces. I went out and she went in. She went left and I went right. Or, maybe it was the other way around. The hardest part was letting go. That life was over. Now what? The year of letting go and the gift that follows. Learning to be happy during trying times. Tom tells the story of how being the change you want to see in the world may come at a steep price. The ending you may find priceless. ;)
Nish Banskota
In our pursuit of inspiration, we often direct our gaze towards accomplished figures and success stories, overlooking a wellspring of profound insight that children inherently possess. The essence lies in their unblemished "beginner's mindset." It's worth considering that this untarnished perspective might hold the key to fostering a happier world.
Victor Hugo Rojas Garro
There is light in life and with it is that we visually perceive what happens around us. There are ways in which light interacts with other objects and how that can influence our understanding of “reality.” Then, analysis comes in place, and from it comes the interpretation of whatever was the subject of attention. Hopefully, all this leads to growth, progress and change in life itself, which is dynamic and always in movement. I invite you to join me as I share with you how optics can be leveraged as one tool through which we can find support, learning, understanding, and eventually happiness.
Michale Gabriel
Our lives are stories in the making. The smallest of decisions can result in an outcome that not only contributes to our own happiness but to the happiness of others. Michale will use the tool of personal narrative to bring this idea to life. You will leave reflecting on your own stories and discover transformative ways to both live and tell them.
Carolina Garcia
In this talk, you will participate in a conversation of what it means to actively listen to children from the heart and how that impacts your relationship with them in schools as an educator, a parent, and all of us as citizens.
Valerie Weisler
When we talk about happiness, we often look towards children as the blueprint for what it means to be carefree, creative, and excited about day-to-day life. But how can children sustain well-being when they do not have the necessary rights to grant them access to what childhood is supposed to be all about? Join renowned children's rights scholar Valerie Weisler as she explores children's rights and the intersection of what children need with what we as adults yearn to go back to.
Alexia Georghiou
Listening to Hear is the training workbook we need for enhancing interpersonal communication and fostering emotional intelligence skills to navigate conversations effectively, especially in challenging situations where individuals may be stressed, escalated, or misguided.
Liliana Núñez
Connecting with nature enhances happiness and well-being by improving mental, emotional, and physical health. We will talk about the science behind nature's connection and the profound effects that nature has on our well-being. By cultivating a deeper connection to the natural world, we can enhance our overall quality of life and experience greater happiness and fulfillment.
Joshua Ull
Discover how an email, a yellow hat, and colorful confetti reinforce how happiness can be found when we surround ourselves with people who inspire us.
Monica Escudero
In a world where educational success is often measured solely by academic achievement, we'll explore how cultivating a classroom environment filled with positivity and genuine care can lead to profound outcomes for both students and educators alike.
Kevin Ryan-Young
This highly interactive session is designed not just for discussion, but to inspire and ignite action. Participants are encouraged to express their grand dreams and aspirations. More than just a conversation, this vibrant gathering is a dynamic call to action. Our goal is to inspire every participant to become a world changemaker, igniting a ripple effect of positive transformation that begins in our very own communities. Join us in this journey of collective empowerment, where your dreams become the seeds of global transformation.
Anees Ahmed
Humanity is confronted by immense challenges. Perhaps there is a greater sense of hopeless now than ever because of an increasing sense of powerlessness at the individual and institutional levels. And yet hope is essential for overcoming these challenges. international law is a language of hope because it allows individuals to articulate a moral and political framework and then to use that framework
to advocate for change.
Fernanda Carrillo
A session focused on empowering women in agriculture. We'll dive into meaningful discussions, share our mission and approach, and brainstorm innovative ideas to enhance our model for the betterment of women in rural communities. Through interactive activities, you'll have the opportunity to contribute your thoughts, network with like-minded individuals, and explore potential collaborations.
Nick Martin
Step into a future sculpted by AI at our dynamic World Cafe session. Engage in cutting-edge discussions about AI's transformative role in education, from tailoring personal learning paths to immersive simulations and beyond. We'll dissect AI's potential to redefine professional fulfillment and happiness. Is this the dawn of a new era in education, or are we on the brink of a digital dilemma? Join us to shape the dialogue and explore the profound implications of AI in our learning and professional lives.
Ernesto Brenes Cordero
My session will consist of proposing the use of the model PERMA within the alternative conflict resolution tools, in order to seek more comprehensive and happy processes.
Dr. Amelia Reigstad P.h.D
In this session, participants will explore insights they can apply to communication challenges within the workplace and learn how to strengthen relationships, have their voices heard and shift power dynamics to neutral ground to build and/or enhance skills. By being aware of personality traits, gender and differences in communication styles, professionals will be more productive, accountable, cohesive, and connected.
Arianna Reyes
We've delved into the extensive theories surrounding happiness, but while the concepts makes sense on paper, many of us find making it a reality, impossible: The volume of tasks and responsibilities to “take care of ourselves” and “take care of others” can make happiness seem like an unattainable goal in our day-to-day lives. Happiness is an appealing ideal, but the pursuit of it can be overwhelming. So, what if achieving happiness wasn't as challenging as it seems? Let's explore how we can simplify the journey to happiness through practical and manageable daily practices.
David Espinoza
This session will provide you with an understanding of your personality traits and how they influence your role within a team. You'll participate in fun dynamics that uncover effective teamwork techniques for teams from all professional sectors. You'll also gain practical tools to improve team dynamics and functions that you can use with your team or group. This session is based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. Take it here to make the most of this session.
Gillian Wagner
You have one precious life on this beautiful blue planet. It can be crowded with overwhelm, disappointment, and deadlines, or it can be filled with a shimmering vision, infusing you with vibrant energy. There are practical ways to integrate what your body’s compass is whispering — enhancing your choices, feelings, and how you engage with the world. Together, we will unravel the participation of all levels of your being: body, mind, spirit, and emotion. I will share with you an easy-to-follow blueprint—one that you can take home.